Creative Commons
Artists can upload their images, audio, video, writing, and other media to the internet under a Creative Commons (CC) license. These licenses allow others to use or repurpose the media for their own projects.
Depending on the license, there may be restrictions on how one can use the media. For example, some media may be allowed for commercial use and some may not. Some media may allow you to modify, adapt, or build upon and some may not. It’s important to check and understand the license before you decide to use the media.
There are six types of CC licenses. Click here to read about all of them.
Creative Commons content also requires attribution. You must give credit to the person who originally uploaded the media. Attribution usually includes the title of the media, the name of the artist, and the type of license.
Below is an example of attribution for a Creative Commons photo.

Here are some links to Creative Commons content. Again, it’s important to check the license before one uses the material.
All videos on Northampton Community Television’s YouTube page are licensed under a Creative Commons license.
Music (hip hop beats)
Images (high quality images that do not require attribution) (high quality images that do not require attribution) (high quality images that do not require attribution) (vector images, check individual license for attribution details)
YouTube (after searching use the “creative commons” filter)