
Community Media for Northampton, MA

Enviroment Massachusetts Raises Awareness of Pestidice’s Affect on Bees and Food

On Wednesday, June 23rd Environment Massachusetts hosted an event at Childs park for their campaign that addresses the increased use of pesticides known as neonics and its affect on bees.

“Bee’s get confused and can’t get back to their hives” said Mathias Burner,campaign and recruitment director for Environment Massachusetts Northampton Office.

Emily Swanson, Assistant Director for Environment Massachusetts’ Northampton Office says that they are spreading the word through canvasing door to door, and have been getting a good response from the community. ” In the last 2 months we’ve been able to collect over $100,000 just here at our Northampton office”

Organizers displayed food that would be scarce without bees. For example, blueberries, strawberries, onions, and tomatoes. Along with that they brought things we would be left with if the bees did die out, like plastic plates, hot dog and hamburger buns, and bread.

tags: bees, Environment, farmers, food, Massachusetts, plants, wildlife,

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