
Community Media for Northampton, MA

Oddball Science: Why Do We Study Weird Things?

These events are held periodically at the Esselon Cafe in Hadley MA. They are put on by a group of graduate students in the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. They feature current research from professors and graduate students, mostly from UMass Amherst, Mount Holyoke College and Williams College.

The topics in this talk are:

Importance of basic research
NSF funding analysis
Duck genital evolution
Media exploitation of basic research
Tags: Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, OEB graduate program, University of Massachusetts Amherst, UMass Amherst, Science Cafe, Esselon Cafe Hadley, Dr. Patty Brennan, Basic Research, NSF funding, Duck genital evolution

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