
Community Media for Northampton, MA

Paradise City Press: The Eye is a Door

Produced over the past 35 years, the images in The Eye is A Door capture stories and ideas embodied in the places Anne Whiston Spirn has visited for her research. These images act as visual note-taking, and encourage a deeper understanding of the natural and built environment through the development of visual literacy.

Aprile Gallant, curator of The Eye is A Door at Smith College Museum of Art notes that this is rather unusual; oftentimes, artists are not preoccupied with building visual literacy, they are focused more on the building of visual narrative. Spirn captures breathtaking landscapes, offering viewers insights into narratives they may have never seen or had the chance to ponder before.

tags: art, the eye is a door, visual literacy, anne whiston spirn, aprille gallant, smith college

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